24 июл 2019

Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail

Светлана Масленная (Пасищнюк)
Светлана Масленная (Пасищнюк)
Татьяна Архипова
Татьяна Архипова
Так поступают НАСТОЯЩИЕ ЛЮДИ!
Светлана Масленная (Пасищнюк)
Светлана Масленная (Пасищнюк)
Инна Рубаха
Инна Рубаха
Перчатки не надо одевать?
Тамара Диодорова(Ющенко)
Тамара Диодорова(Ющенко)
Дай Боженько таким Людям здоровья и всего найлучшего.
Валентина Саватьева
Валентина Саватьева
Молодец с большими буквами
Павел Кондратенко
Павел Кондратенко
хорошо что существуют люди у которых есть сострадание и любовь к животным
Надюшка ))))
Надюшка ))))
Вот и я о том подумала......
Moris Razmadze
Moris Razmadze
muuuuuuuuuuuuaaak !!!!!!!!!
Светлана Еремина (Фатнева)
Светлана Еремина (Фатнева)
Елена Егорова
Елена Егорова
год назад жила осенью на даче - там были несколько бродячих собак - все в клещах - утром приходили ко мне - надевала перчатки - и обирала их........хоть бы рыкнули! а потом водкой протирала ранки - до сих пор бегают.....
Татьяна Фоя
Татьяна Фоя


Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail
Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail Видео: Rescued almost too late, puppy covered in thousands of ticks and with embeded wire on her tail