24 июл 2019

Taras Bazeev - Another One Year Will Have Passed Tomorrow (Chillout & Video) HD

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A fost un an superb, cu multe momente pe care n-am să le uit niciodată! Urmează un an bestial, 🎊🤩în care sper ca fiecare dintre voi, scumpii mei😻, să aibă parte de multă dragoste și succes! Vă iubesc! 💙🎊🎂🎉🎈La mulți ani! 🌟💖 It was a great year, with many moments I will never forget! 2018 will be better, and I hope every one of you, my dear, will have much love and success! I love you! Happy New Year! 💗🎀 #happynewyear #2018 #newthings #newlife #instagood #missbikini #iloveyou #love #blessed #inlove #bestfollowers #magic

Anastasia Fotachi ♔
24 июл 2019
Длительность: 0:10

Taras Bazeev - Free (Landscapes and Chillout Music) HD Video

24 июл 2019
Длительность: 5:49

One women had a husband who she felt uncomfortable with and felt that all her love for him was gone, but she was also seeing another man for 3 months and found live for him, one day she asked to meet with her friend that she had known for 10 years and explained to her everything that was going on and also that she was having an affair with a man, the best friend was there for her, listened to her and advised her. As many months went by, the women was told her husband that her best friend needed to return the money she burrowed many months ago, so the women asked her best friend my husband needs the money urgently , but the best friend replied, i don't have enough money, the women continued to pressurise her. Days later the best friend told her husband that his wife was having an affair. So as the husband returned home he questioned his wife about the affair, the wife asked who told you, the husband replied your best friend, as the argument continued the husband kicked her out. When she

DEAF Artem Mazur
24 июл 2019
Длительность: 6:59

One hearing family had a hard of hearing son and as he grew up he became deaf, for a short amount of time the son was wearing a hearing aid, until his fathers family forced his father to attend hospital and insert a brain attached hearing aid in his sons brain, as the son grew up he became much more depressed and bullied for being deaf, one occasion he had an argument with his father about why he had this done to him, he stated that he felt like an animal, a used animal. On another occasion the son was beaten up by a group of four men who were jealous about him and his girlfriends relationship he was sent to hospital and was told that he was fully disabled and that he is paralysed. The mother blamed his father and told him that he should have forced him to get a brain attached hearing aid. So one day the father took the son back to the hospital and wanted the hearing aid to be removed from his brain, the doctors we being manipulative, but the father refused, and wanted this to happen.

DEAF Artem Mazur
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 13:42

One professional policeman was told by his wife that they were expecting a son, the policeman was pleasantly surprised, the son was born hearing until a year later the son turned deaf, the policeman arrived home from work as his wife told him about the news, the policeman began punching and hitting walls doors. He was unhappy about the fact that his son was deaf. Through the years of the sons childhood he was treated unfairly and cruelly by his father. The father and the deaf son would never have conversations as there was a communication barrier, the father was unbothered about him having to learn sign language, through the years of high school the son was said to be very smart in literature and maths. His mother had praised him and awarded him. On the other hand his father didn't. When the son became older his aspiration was to attend university, so, he kindly asked his father if he could be given the money to afford to attend. The policeman, his father, replied saying that he would

DEAF Artem Mazur
24 июл 2019
Длительность: 10:49

Taras Bazeev - Into The Wild (ChillOut & Video) HD

24 июл 2019
Длительность: 4:44

Taras Bazeev & Angelina Bukovska - Help My (Original Mix) ™(Chillout & Video) HD

24 июл 2019
Длительность: 7:29

Taras Bazeev - Alina (ChillOut and Breakbeat Music & Video) HD

24 июл 2019
Длительность: 5:06

Taras Bazeev - 21 Days (ChillOut & Video) HD

24 июл 2019
Длительность: 5:21

One of the Best Football Skills you will ever see.

24 июл 2019
Длительность: 0:27

Андрей Иванцов-Любовь права

Андрей Иванцов
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 4:28

БЛИЗКИЙ ДРУГ Маргарита Бахарева

Маргарита Бахарева
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 4:49

Очень красивая и практичная прическа для юной модницы.

22 июл 2019
Длительность: 1:16

Зажигательный танец на улице. Девочка танцует под Шакиру

Удивительный Мир
22 июл 2019
Длительность: 3:05

Девочка впервые увидела мир

22 июл 2019
Длительность: 5:00

Короткая программа Алины Загитовой

Диана Фастовская
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 1:25

«Лига Домохозяек» - первая викторина для домохозяек в истории

Регина Редина
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 0:45

«Битва за призы». Объявление победителей (прямая трансляция)

Евгения Двоенко
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 0:00

Новый товар на прилавках в Канске

22 июл 2019
Длительность: 0:58

Какой милый маленький танцор

Андрей Г
23 июл 2019
Длительность: 0:35